May 28, 2017

VBScript & SQLite

VBScript use COM object to access the element of environment within it is running.
It is by default installed from Window 98
It mainly use to automate the window task
It is a case-insensitive language.
Worked only with IE 8.0 and above
Windows Scripting host must be enabled for running this script on window.
It run on WScript engine or CScript engine on window.
By default WScript in enable but you can interchange that via command.


MS SQL,Oracle are the client server database whereas SQLite is stand alone database.

It is small standalone database which very handy for manipulating small amount of data
We can use SQLite at various situation. it doesn't required installation. It is just a small file.
We can use it in IoT devices, Android apps or product where we want to store small amount of data.

If you want to learn more about SQLite then check the below links

Here are the some command use in SQLite
attach database 'testdb' as 'tdb';
Detach database 'tdb'
and so on...