September 30, 2016

Data control in

Supported Funcationalities
ControlPagingData GroupingProvide Flexible LayoutUpdate,DeleteInsertSorting
GridViewsupportedNot supportedNot SupportedsupportedNot Supportedsupported
DataListNot supportedsupportedsupportedNot supportedNot supportedNot supported
RepeaterNot supportedNot supportedsupportedNot supportedNot supportedNot supported

* Supported: means that it's provided out of the box without any custom code or hacks.
* Not Supported: means that it's not provided out of the box by the control but it could be possible to implement it using custom code \ hacks.
The GridView : it supports paging but it doesn't provide a flexible layout , since its mainly used to display the data in a table based layout.And If we looked at data inserting , the Gridview doesn't have a built in support for inserting data( since it doesn't call the insert method of it underlying data source when you click on a button with a CommadName set to "Insert" ).
The DataList : it support data grouping ( through its RepeatColumns property) , but it doesn't have a built in support for paging,inserting ,deleting , updating the data. and if you looked at its laout , you will find that by default  the datalist renders as html table and you will have to set its flowLayout to "Flow" to stop that behaviour.
The Repeater control : you will find that it provides a flexible layout but it doesn't support data grouping ,inserting,deleting , updating  and paging through the data .

Summary :
The ListView control was added to provide a rich data control that can support all the required functionalities at the same time , so now you can easily display a fully customizable layout that supports Grouping,paging , inserting , deleting , updating and sorting the data.

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