Oracle Topics
- Installation of Oracle client
- Tablespace
- DBF file
- Relation between tablespace and DBF file
- User
- Role and permission
- Pseudo columns
- Save point,Rollback and commit
- Insert,delete,update and select
- Equi join and non equi join
- Natural join
- Cross join/ Cartesian join
- Self join
- Left, Right and full outer join
- Column format
- Aggregate, Number and Conversion function
- Buffer command
- IN/ Exist
- Subquery
- Table
- View
- Index
- Materialize view
- Exception handling
- Cursor
- Trigger
- Function
- Procedure
- Package
- Dynamic SQL
- Loops
- Array
- Collection
- PL/SQL Debugger, PL/SQL Profiler, PL/SQL Tuning Tips
- Replication
- Job - Download PDF
Common table expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statement.
SQL Server supports two types of CTEs-recursive and nonrecursive.
Syntax of CTE
With CTE_name <col1,col2,..>
select <col1,col2,..>
from CTE_name
Common table expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statement.
SQL Server supports two types of CTEs-recursive and nonrecursive.
- If you need to reference/join the same data set multiple times you can do so by defining a CTE. Therefore, it can be a form of code reuse.
- After declaration of table, you can refer the table created multiple times in scope of the same query.
- Can be used in place of views or temporary tables.
- Recursive query is easily created through CTE.
- Instead of cursor
Syntax of CTE
With CTE_name <col1,col2,..>
select <col1,col2,..>
from CTE_name